SERVICE ERROR CODES for your Rational combi oven: SCC, WE, Combimaster, XS, 61, 62, 101, 102 and 201

Service 13

Service error 13 on my combi oven. The steam generator did not get refilled during steam mode
Rational RCM Catering Equipment Swindon engineer advice:  Error 13 is a forced filling error. This error requires the 0-1 signal of the steam generator level electrode to be investigated. Password protected access to the back-office software program is required.

Service 14

Error 14 on screen. Rational SCC WE. Advice please? The level electrode doesn't recognise the presence of water in the steam tank, therefore the CDS sensor sends too many pulses during the refilling process.
Rational technical advice error 14 service screen: The CDS sensor measured enough pulses when the filling up process took place but the level electrode didn't sense any water. Check water conductivity - this could be low due to poor or incorrect water treatment.

Service 17

What would cause a service error 17 fault? Rational combi.  Error 17 is caused by a conflict with an external memory SD card
Technical advice from Rational engineer Wiltshire based: Essential oven data is missing. Run recovery software - available via RCM Catering Equipment Swindon, Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Avon, Bristol, and Oxfordshire. Tel: 01793 521119